Welcome to the New Democratic Re-Evolution
One Mind is the New Democratic
Re-Evolution that is about to sweep the planet and change our world forever.
We are The First Virtual Democratic Movement that represents all Political, Ideological and Religious Beliefs at the same time and have Representatives that abide to the decisions made by their Collectives.
This is Democracy 2.0!
Are you ready for The New Earth?
Five steps for a New Democratic
Submit your candidacy to the One Mind Democratic Movement Open Primaries Process.
During the Three Month Internal Primaries Process our candidates will promote their Personal Candidate Page on their social media.
Where They will share:
The Collective They want to Represent.
The Minestry They want to head
Professional Experience.
The Collective work They wish to Promote.
At the end of our Final Primaries Event 120 New Representatives will be elected. These Representatives will be obliged to abide by the decisions of their voters as made in the App's Collective Decision-Making System.
Once a New Knesset and Government are elected in the Application's System the One Mind Democratic Movement will be running for the next Israeli Elections.
Using our Collective Decision-Making System our Members will be able to change their reality through consensus, without the intervention of Lobbyists, Politics, or Interest Groups.
The "One Mind" Democratic Movement is inviting all Israeli Citizens to submit their Candidacy to become Representatives of their Collectives in the first Democratic Movement of its kind in the World.
At the End of Our Internal Primaries Process the One Mind members will have Elected 120 New Representatives from across the social spectrum of Israeli Society.
Representatives who are obliged under a work agreement to Represent Their Collectives by abiding to the Decisions made in the Application's Decision-making System.
Our Internal Primaries Process is The Key to the New Democratic Re-Evolution!
What are the Requirements to Become a “One Mind” Representative
In order to submit your Candidacy to Become a One Mind Representative all that is required is to submit a few documents and to fill out your Personal Candidate Page.
There you will be asked to describe Your Vision and Mission as a future One Mind Representative.
Conditions for applying:
Over the age of 21
Up-to-date Resume
Criminal Information Printout
Required information for your candidate page:
The Collective you wish to Represent?
The Government Office you wish to Head
Your viewes on a variety of topics and issues
(of your choice)
Personal Campaign Video
The One Mind Internal Primaries Process
The One Mind Primaries Process will span over a Five-month period and will be divided into two main stages.
1st stage - submitting of Documents: Submitting Information required by the Candidates to create their Personal Candidate Page.
This process will span over a Two Month period and only then will the Internal Primaries Process begin.
2nd stage - The primaries process:
This process will span over a Three Months period during which 3 Public Election Events will be held.
In these events, our candidates will be asked questions priviously selected by the members of the Application regarding their Professional work, their Views on various Issues and their Aspirations for their future Democratic activities.
These events will take place at the end of the First, Second and Third month of the Primaries Process. Through these Events the public will get to know the candidates on a personal level and at the same time will reveal the voting patterns through the Poles held at the end of each of these Events.
The Application's System will direct our Representatives to our 22 Ministerial Departments and will only allow up to six Representatives to enter each of these Ministrial Departments.
Trough this process the Israeli Collective will choose 120 Representatives to manage the Country's Governmental Systems Professionally.
22 Ministerial Departments
Join The Smart Re-evolution
Support the One Mind Democratic Re-Evolution and take part in the Creation of our Internal Primaries Process.
Where the political game will have no place in our future Democratic Process.
Welcome to
The New Earth
Learn more about the One Mind Project and the implementation of Direct Democracy in Israel and Around the World.
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